Public offer agreement on the sale of goods of the online store "" No. 1

1.General Provisions
1.1 Kazbekova Elizaveta Alanovna (INN 770 373 311 010), hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", publishes a Public offer to sell goods based on the samples presented on the official website of the Seller ""
1.2 In accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF), this document is a public offer, and in case of acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth below, the individual who accepts this offer shall pay for the Seller’s Goods in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, payment for the Goods by the Buyer is an acceptance of the offer, which shall be deemed equivalent to the conclusion of the Contract on the terms and conditions set forth in the offer.
1.3 Based on the above, please carefully read the text of the public offer, and if you do not agree with any paragraph of the offer, you are invited to refuse to purchase the Goods or use the Services provided by the Seller.
1.4 In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings: — "Offer" - a public offer by the Seller addressed to any natural person (citizen) to enter into a contract of sale (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") with him on the existing terms and conditions contained in the Contract, including all its appendices. — "Buyer" - a natural person who has entered into the Contract with the Seller on the terms and conditions contained in the Contract. — "Acceptance" - full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the terms and conditions of the Contract. — "Goods" - a list of items from the assortment presented on the official website. — "Order" - individual items from the assortment list of the Goods specified by the Buyer when placing an order on the website or through the Operator. — "Delivery" - courier services for delivery of the Order.

2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1 The Seller shall sell the Goods in accordance with the current price list published on the Seller’s website "", and the Buyer shall pay for and accept the Goods in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
2.2 This Agreement and its annexes are official documents of the Seller and an integral part of the offer.

3. Order placement
3.1 The Buyer shall order the Goods through the Internet site "".
3.2 When registering on the Seller’s Internet site, the Buyer undertakes to provide the following registration information about himself: — surname, first name, — actual delivery address (if required); - e-mail address; - contact phone number (mobile, landline).
3.3 When placing an Order through the Operator, the Buyer undertakes to provide the information specified in clause 3.2 of this Agreement. The Buyer accepts the terms and conditions of this Agreement by entering the relevant data into the registration form on the website or when placing an Order through the Operator. The Buyer has the right to edit the registration information about himself. The Operator shall not change or edit the registration information about the Buyer without the consent of the Buyer. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer’s data specified during registration on the website "" and when placing the Order to persons not related to the execution of the Order. Having approved the Order of the selected Goods, the Buyer shall provide the Operator with the necessary information in accordance with the procedure specified in clause 3.2 of this Agreement.
3.4 The Seller and the Operator are not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information provided by the Buyer when placing the Order.
3.5 The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing the Order.
3.6 Payment by the Buyer of the Order placed independently on the website shall mean that the Buyer agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The day of payment for the Order shall be the date of conclusion of the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer.
3.7 All information materials presented on the website "" are of a reference nature and cannot fully convey reliable information about certain properties and characteristics of the Goods. If the Buyer has any questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Goods, he/she should consult the Operator before placing the Order.

4. Order fulfillment terms
4.1 The Order fulfillment time depends on the availability of the ordered items of Goods in the Seller’s warehouse and the time required to process the Order. In exceptional cases the time of Order fulfillment may be agreed with the Buyer individually depending on the characteristics and quantity of the ordered Goods. If part of the Order is out of stock, including for reasons beyond the Seller’s control, the Seller shall be entitled to cancel the said Goods from the Buyer’s Order. The Seller undertakes to notify the Buyer about changes in the completeness of his Order through the Operator.
4.2 The Order shall be deemed delivered at the moment of its transfer to the Buyer. By signing the courier sheet, the Buyer confirms the execution of the Order.
4.3 If the Buyer provides unreliable information about his contact details, the Seller shall not be liable for improper execution of the Order.
4.4 In case of improper execution of the Order delivery through the fault of the Seller, the Order shall be redelivered free of charge. 5.

5. Payment for the Order
5.1 Payment for the Order shall be made by the Buyer by wire transfer to the account of FE Kazbekova Elizaveta Alanovna.
5.2 Prices for any items of the Goods specified on the website "" may be unilaterally changed by the Seller without notice to the Buyer. In case of a change in the price for the ordered items of the Goods, the Operator undertakes to inform the Buyer of such change as soon as possible. The Buyer has the right to confirm or cancel the Order. In case of lack of communication with the Buyer, the Order shall be considered canceled within 14 calendar days from the moment of placing the order.
5.4 For all orders with delivery within Russia, the terms and conditions are specified on the website of the company IE Kazbekova Elizaveta Alanovna "" in the section "Payment and Delivery".
5.5. Money when paying for the Goods on the website "" is accepted by cashless payment.

6. Delivery of the Goods
6.1 The Seller’s obligation to deliver the Goods with the condition of delivery is deemed to be fulfilled from the moment of signing the shipping documents by the Buyer
6.2 Title to the Goods and risks of accidental damage and/or destruction of the Goods shall be transferred to the Buyer from the moment of actual transfer of the Goods and signing of the shipping documents upon delivery of the Goods to the Buyer.
6.3 Delivery costs and conditions are specified on the website of the company "".

7. Return of the Order
7.1 In accordance with paragraph 4. art. 26.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-I "On Protection of Consumer Rights" the Buyer has the right to refuse the ordered Goods at any time before the Order is fulfilled.
7.2 The Buyer has no right to refuse the paid Order (or its part) of proper quality with individually defined properties.
7.3 In accordance with paragraph 2 of the "List of non-food goods of proper quality, not subject to return or exchange for a similar product of other size, shape, size, style, coloring or configuration", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998 № 55.
7.4 In case the Seller delivers the Order of improper quality, the Buyer undertakes to provide the Goods to the Seller’s office as soon as possible in order to check the quality of the Goods.
7.5 In accordance with Article 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-I "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the amount paid by the Buyer for the Goods of improper quality shall be returned to the Buyer within 10 calendar days from the date of submission of the relevant request. The refund shall be made in cash in the office of the Seller, in case of paid delivery, the money for it shall not be refunded. In case the Goods were paid for via electronic payment system, the refund shall be made to the Buyer’s electronic account within 5 working days.
7.6 Goods of proper quality that are not subject to return in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20.10.1998 N 1222, dated 06.02.2002 N 81:
Articles and materials in contact with food products, made of polymeric materials, including for single use (tableware and accessories for table and kitchen, containers and packaging materials for storage and transportation of food products)
Non-periodical editions (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and sheet music editions, sheet iso-editions, calendars, booklets, editions reproduced on technical media) (item 14 introduced by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2002 N 81)
Articles made of precious metals, with precious stones, made of precious metals with inserts of semi-precious and synthetic stones, faceted precious stones.
7.7 The return of the Goods shall be made on the basis of the Buyer’s written request submitted to the Seller’s sales office.
7.8 Return of Goods of proper quality shall be made at the Buyer’s expense and organized by the Buyer himself.
7.9 The return of the Goods shall be made on working days from 10−00 to 17−00 at the Seller’s office by prior arrangement.
7.10. When the Buyer returns the Goods of proper quality, a delivery note or act on the return of goods shall be drawn up, which shall include:
full corporate name of the Seller;
surname, name, patronymic and passport data of the Buyer;
name of the Goods
the reason for returning the Goods
date of transfer of the Goods;
the amount to be returned;
signatures of the Seller and the Buyer.
7.11. The refund of the cost of the Goods shall be made not later than in 10 (ten) days from the date of submission of the relevant request by the Buyer.
7.12. For the refund to the bank card, the Customer should fill in the "Application for Refund", which is sent on request by the Company to the Customer’s e-mail address, and send it together with a copy of the passport to the address: "". The refund will be made to the Customer’s bank account specified in the application within 10 (Ten) working days from the date of receipt of the "Application for refund" by the Company.
In order to refund the funds erroneously credited to the Company’s bank account via payment systems, the Customer should apply with a written application and attach a copy of passport and checks/receipts confirming the erroneous crediting. This application should be sent to the address: Russian Federation, Moscow, Kolymazhny per.10, sq.1, index 119 019. Upon receipt of a written application with a copy of the passport and receipts, the Company shall make a refund within 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt of the application to the Customer’s current account specified in the application. In this case, the refund amount will be equal to the cost of the Order.
The term of consideration of the Application and refund to the Customer starts to be calculated from the moment of receipt of the Application by the Company and is calculated in working days excluding holidays/weekends. If the Application is received by the Company after 18.00 of a working day or on a holiday/weekend day, the moment of receipt of the Application by the Company shall be the next working day.
The Buyer shall submit the claim for return of the goods to the Seller either in writing to the address Moscow, Kolymazhny per.10, sq.1, or electronically to the e-mail address The request may be made in a free form with the mandatory indication of the Buyer’s contact information, which coincides with the information provided when ordering the Goods, the name of the returned Goods and the reasons for the return. The Buyer has the right to ask all questions to the Seller by phone +7 903 262 58 87.

8. Copyrights
8.1. All textual information and graphic images on the website "" are the property of the Seller and/or its suppliers and manufacturers of the Goods.

9. Rights, duties and responsibilities
9.1 The Seller shall not be liable for improper use of the Buyer’s goods ordered on the website or through the Operator.
9.2 The Seller has the right to transfer its rights and obligations to fulfill Orders to third parties.
9.3 The Seller has the right to record telephone conversations with the Buyer. In accordance with Clause 4 of Article 16 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", the Seller undertakes to: prevent attempts of unauthorized access to information and/or its transfer to persons not directly related to the execution of Orders; timely detect and suppress such facts. Telephone conversations are recorded in order to control the Operator’s activity and to control the quality of Order fulfillment.
9.4 Title to the Order, as well as the risk of its accidental loss or damage shall be transferred to the Buyer from the moment of money transfer to the Delivery employee.
9.5 The Buyer has the right to send all claims regarding improper fulfillment of the Order to the e-mail address specified on the website "" in the section "Contacts". All received information is processed as soon as possible.

Company Kazbekova Elizaveta Alanovna
TIN: 770 373 311 010
OGRN: 314 774 620 400 630
Contact phone number: +7 903 262 5887
Р/С: 40 802 810 9000 0104 4676
BIK: 44 525 974
Bank: Tinkoff Bank JSC
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